Profound satisfaction.

Heather's private clients enjoy the opportunity to customize their menus for healing and revitalizing their body, mind and spirit. World-class companies get to match their brand with edgy, organic cuisine that elevates and energizes their guest list.

Heather's exceptional cooking attracts icons, seminal brands, and those who care deeply about the integrity of their food. Some of her past and current clients include Arianna Huffington, Jim Carrey, Hugh Jackman, Ang Lee, Balmain, Chanel, Travel & Leisure, Elle Decor, Martha Stewart Living, and Jimmy Choo. 

She doesn't just cook. She curates.

A truly great menu is a curation of sophisticated ingredients, stunning aesthetic, and an astute understanding of audience. Chef Heather Umlah understands how to excite, nourish and surprise even the most world-weary palettes with her locally-driven, globally conscious sensibilities.

Whether it's a fashion week dinner, your product launch, or an elegant private party, events shine bright with Chef Heather on hand. 

Sometimes you need more than just a chef. Have it. 

There are times when you require impeccable food and times when you require a trusted advisor to co-create your entire evening. Heather knows how to craft an unforgettable experience from floral and table design to outstanding wine service and award-winning mixologists.  

Heather really delivers.

There is no greater gift you could give yourself or a dear friend preparing or recovering from surgery, childbirth, the bar exam, or dealing with a life-threatening illness, than the delicious healing food of Heather Umlah.

Menus can also be customized for special diets from Paleo, Ayurvedic, and Macrobiotic to Blood Sugar Detox and multi-day cleanse programs.

Book a week or month of delicious, organic, revitalizing meals by Heather. Currently available in The Cotswolds.

As an actor, model, and singer, I find myself run down, tired and hungry ALL THE TIME! Heather’s food has—on more than one occasion—saved me. It’s visceral nourishment...feeding spirit, mind, and body. I’m pretty sure several of my awards should be credited to her.
— Tarion Taylor-Anderson